
Make a contour by ArcGIS

Before using ArcGIS, please make sure the tool”Spatial Analyst” has chosen.
(if not, go to check “tool”-->”customize”-->”toolbars”-->”spatial analyst”

1.the same as ArcView, Be sure your data is numeral.
2.Open ArcMap,
“tools”-->”add XY data”, then the interface will look like this

3.Definition the range of analysis
Spatial Analyst-->Options-->Cell size-->AS specified below(you can choose any size you want , for this example, it’s “0.01”

Spatial Analyst-->Interpolate to RasteràInverse Distance Weighted.
In Z value field, choose the data you want to draw, then clip OK

5.Final, the appearance will like that.


How to make points to a contour

1. Be sure ur data is “double”,if in your text file has any word, ArcVeiw (or ArcGIS)can’t read it.

2.Open ArcVview 3.x(Before open it ,make sure ur computer instanll”3D analyst &spatial analyst”
2.1 point “table”-->”add”
2.2 view-->"add event theme"
2.3 surface-->interplate Grid, choose “output Grid Cell Size=0.01(as well as you want)
2.4 click OK